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Storage Pipeline: 20 Questions: Page 13 of 27

Snap Appliance

At the risk of being criticized for letting a vendor speak its mind twice, we must point out that responses to this questionnaire were received in advance of Adaptec's announcement that it would buy Snap Appliance. From an iSCSI standpoint, this is a marriage made in heaven: A leader in RAID controllers meets a leader in SMB NAS appliances; the offspring will likely be a full range of inexpensive iSCSI-compatible arrays.

Snap Appliance (Adaptec acquisition under review by the Federal Trade Commission, expected to be approved by the time this goes to press), (800) 806-3724, (408) 795-3600.

Spectra Logic Corp.

Spectra Logic's longstanding reputation for its tape library engineering excellence, its footprint in the SMB space and its just-announced RXT library that offers massively scalable disk capacity in addition to its stock-in-trade tape library robotics, put it on the shortlist of vendors to receive our questionnaire.