But how long? Read on, gentle reader, and all shall be revealed.
Lets get one thing clear from the start: Im not anti-Fibre Channel. Far
from it: I was actually one of its earliest proponents. Way back in 1989 (simpler, yet happier, times),
just before I moved to the U.S.A. from the U.K., I wrote one of the first
articles about what was then a little known high-speed LAN standard called
Fibre Channel.
Fibre Channel was the brainchild of a bunch of academic types at the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) with
very large foreheads (fiveheads, you might say), and its biggest competitor back
then was generally considered to be asynchronous transfer mode, or ATM.
Anyway, 12 years ago, it was a younger, thinner Steve Saunders that did the
due diligence for his article, compared the specs and applications for both
standards, and stuck his cervical vertebrae out predicting that Fibre Channel would beat
out ATM for very-high-throughput I/O apps within ultra-high-speed LANs (the
term SAN not having been invented at that time).
I even titled the article: Fibre Channel Outpaces ATM.