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MondoSoft's BehaviorTracking: Page 5 of 6

Watch groups can be set up by IP address. After I defined a watch group ("doherty"), I could easily view the search data associated with my IP address, but I couldn't enter an IP domain to view all the search information coming from a certain domain. It would be a boon to see what information a competitor searched and retrieved from my Web site.

In addition to viewing this information from the Web, I could print the data in table format, as well as export it to Microsoft Excel. I set up BT to generate regular reports and e-mail them to me in Excel.

Worth the Price?

BT's installation is time-consuming, but it's justified by the rich search data you get in the end. Although the sticker price for BT is three times the cost of the Ultraseek search engine, it is competitive in this unsettled market of software and service solutions with five- and six-figure price tags. If you're searching for a new statistics package and want to find out how your search engine is behaving for end users, BT should be on your short list.

Sean Doherty is a technology editor and lawyer based at our Syracuse University Real-World Labs. Write to him at [email protected].