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Foundry Targets Midsize Switch Market: Page 4 of 4

Server Load-Balancing Step-by-Step

1. The client makes a request to the VIP serviced by the SLB.

2. The SLB determines which real server should respond using an administrator-specified algorithm, such as round-robin, least connections or fastest response time. This algorithm may include Layer 7 rule information. For example, requests for images may always be directed by the SLB to Group 2 while all other requests are sent to Group 1.

3. The SLB usually will track the session between the client and the target real server and direct subsequent requests from the client, where possible, to the same real server. This quality--persistence in load-balancing parlance--is necessary for many types of Web applications to function correctly--especially those involved in e-commerce or those utilizing cookies for personalization. This also means less interruption of service in a failover situation: The sessions are mirrored on a secondary SLB so if the primary SLB fails, the secondary continues to direct clients to the proper server.

4. The real server processes the request and returns the response to the client.