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EXECUTIVE PROFILE: Mellon Financial's Allan Woods: Page 7 of 8

WS&T: What are some emerging technologies that might get some play time in your firm in the next year?

WOODS: We've just built a huge new Mellon Financial center in London. That's an excellent environment to put in Voice Over Internet Protocol. We haven't moved in yet so we haven't gotten some of the experience in actually using it.

We have a couple of pilots with Linux. The challenge is if you wanted to deploy it more broadly, there's an expense of getting from where you are onto that platform. As much as I'd like to wave the magic wand and put more things (on Linux), we must be careful about that investment.

We're devoting some time to collaborative technologies like the Internet for shared meetings. It has significant advantages and it's also become an interesting customer-relationship tool as well.

We expect significant application impact when that critical mass has been achieved (in wireless and mobile technologies). Critical mass is the key. We tend not to wait until something is proven to get involved. By then you are so far behind on the learning curve that it takes too long to get up to speed. We pick things we think will be technology winners.