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Network Physics: Looking Deeper Into The Network: Page 2 of 4

So I don't know if this is classic ROI, but clearly, there's ROI. And what we're seeing from customers is that motivation today is less ROI, and more 'I gotta keep my apps up and running.' For the CIO, the next call he gets from the CEO is not to squeeze another dollar out of costs. Instead, it's 'how come my Exchange is so slow on Monday morning.'

Networking Pipeline: Do users want a device that just gives them metrics, or do they want something that also lets them take action?

Jones: In fact it's just the opposite, particularly when you are dealing with management of routers. What users want out of a device is, 'tell me where there's a problem, tell me why there's a problem, and let me evaluate it -- then I'll do something.' There are lots of examples from the early route-optimization [product] days where re-routes would happen automatically -- with very severe and unintended consequences.

Clearly the path we're traveling is to automate [the process]. But the way we'll get there is a device that isolates what's happening for you, and then is suggestive as to what you might do about it. But the first step will be the 'do it' button.

Networking Pipeline: To keep administrators in the loop?