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SurfControl's RiskFilter: Page 3 of 6

Sorting the Mail

RiskFilter's EUSM (end-user spam management) tool gives users a list of quarantined e-mail and lets them release messages to their inbox. The tool also lets them manage black- and whitelists. RiskFilter's EUSM works with Active Directory and other LDAP-compliant directory stores to authenticate users.

To prevent directory attacks, you can limit the number of messages sent per IP address. I tested this with a trusted copy of Turbo-Mailer 2.2.3. I sent bulk mail to users on the SunFire test server, but once I reached the number I had set as the maximum number of messages per IP address within a configurable time frame, RiskFilter denied further mail from that address.

RiskFilter Interface

Click to Enlarge

I wanted to test RiskFilter's ability to isolate virus-bearing messages as identified by McAfee's Anti-Virus Agent, so I sent a series of W32/MyDoom strains and some MultiDropper-KRs using various file names and packaged in zip files. RiskFilter identified and isolated them without a problem. I even added a notification option so that users would know when a message was isolated because of a virus. McAfee's AV Agent is an additional $5.50 per user, per year.