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SurfControl's RiskFilter: Page 2 of 6

The domain-based routing entry was set to deliver mail destined for the domain to the SunFire server. I reconfigured Sendmail to forward all mail to RiskFilter to filter all outgoing mail.

You can use other supported techniques to filter incoming mail--black- and whitelists, simultaneous IP connection limits and so on--but content filtering is the most automated and can cut mail administration overhead. However, discovering spam based on content is difficult for any antispam filter.

To test RiskFilter's content filtering, I saved 30 pieces of incontestable spam and 30 legitimate messages. Whether a legitimate article pitch or press release is labeled as spam and isolated may depend on the language used in the pitch and the number of recipients.


Click to Enlarge

Using the default settings (low), I sent the 60 messages from sdoherty@ on our production mail server to the SunFire. RiskFilter found and isolated all but six spam messages--good, considering the vagaries of the English language and lexical analysis. But it also filtered off one legitimate message--a false positive. Setting the antispam filter from low to high increased the number of false positives, but reduced the number of false negatives.