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ILM: Panacea or Proprietary Poison?: Page 8 of 24

Sharing the IBM mainframe world's perception of ILM functionality, HDS recommends choosing your storage environment based on the relative importance of your data.

"As the activity against a valued data object decreases," the vendor says, "it may be moved to lower-cost, secondary or tertiary levels of storage to optimize the cost of storing that data object and to improve the efficiency of the primary storage. As storage leases expire, technology refreshes occur, ownership changes and business processes are replaced, new storage needs to be acquired and provisioned for migration or replication of the valued data."

HDS claims that structured, semistructured and unstructured data require different ILM solutions that will need to be "ported to our DLM solution." HDS also sidesteps the issues of access-frequency counting, storage-platform characterization and policy articulation.

  • Hitachi Data Systems Corp., (408) 970-1000.
  • IBM