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Scott Sykes and Samuel Visner

Scott Sykes is the Senior Director of Global Security Organization at Netcracker Technology, in Boston, and a former Board Member of the Virginia Cyber Security Partnership, in Richmond, VA. He previously served as Chief Information Security Officer at Tata Communications International, in Herndon, VA, and Director of Internet Marketing for Genworth Financial and Director of IT strategy at Capital One Financial Services, both in Richmond, VA.

Samuel Visner is the Director of the National Cybersecurity Federally Funded Research and Development Center (MITRE), sponsored by the National Institute of Science and Technology. He also serves as the Security Director for Netcracker Technology Corporation and as a member of the Cyber Council of the Intelligence and National Security Alliance and the Cyber Committee of the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association. Sam is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Atlantic Council and the Intelligence Community Studies Board, sponsored by the National Academy of Science and serving the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
