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David Woolf

David Woolf

David Woolf is the Senior Executive of Technology Offerings at the University of New Hampshire InterOperability Laboratory (UNH-IOL). He has developed dozens of industry-reviewed test procedures and implementations as part of the team that has grown the UNH-IOL into a world-class center for interoperability and conformance testing. David has also helped to organize numerous industry interoperability test events at both the UNH-IOL facility and off-site locations. David has been an active participant in a broad array of industry communities addressing conformance and interoperability covering a diverse set of technologies, including NVMe, NVMe-oF, MIPI D-PHY, C-PHY, DSI, CSI, A-PHY, SAS, SATA, OpenCAPI, CCIX, CXL, OCP and Open Networking, Fibre Channel, iSCSI.
