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Reality IT: An Open Letter to Your Users: Page 2 of 3

Dear Corporate Computer User:

Your IT staff at (insert your company name here) really wants to tell you off, so here goes. There is no such thing as a stupid question, but there is such a thing as a stupid user. I'll give you three guesses as to whom that might be.

You users do the most amazing things, which either drive us nuts or give us a good chuckle. We give you these computers, the network and all the related resources, with support, so you can do your jobs. Not so you can fill your hard disk with MP3 files. Not so you can download porn from your home broadband connection onto your work laptop. Not so you can stream basketball games to your desktop. Not so you can play the "I'm a power user and can configure my own system" game.

We scratch our heads when you manage to insert the power cord of your laptop into one of the non-power ports, or when you ask for help with some program you installed that we don't support. We cringe when we hear you left a $2,000 laptop full of sensitive data in a taxi. We love to get your call from the Far Away Inn at 2 a.m. on a Sunday because you forgot to back up that PowerPoint presentation for your big sales pitch.

Admittedly, you keep us on our toes. The IT staff must work hard to stay ahead of you. Our network engineers have learned to configure our switches to detect more than one MAC address coming through a port at a time in case you set up your own wireless access point. Our software developers try to anticipate every crazy way you'll find to break our applications. Our IT security manager spends most of his time staying ahead of virus, worm and spyware infections caused by your indiscriminate use of e-mail and the Web.