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AppOL News

Collaboration On The Go Podcast (download here). AOL is in the news again and, not surprisingly, it's not good news. It seems like every time AOL has been in the news for the past five years, it's bad news for AOL/TW or the Internet. Should AOL charge organizations that send massive amounts of email, guaranteeing that the messages aren't flagged as spam?
Wouldn't you want email from legitimate sites to get past your spam filter? In today's podcast, I explore some of the issues surrounding spam and pay-per-email. The podcast opens with a bit of Apple news from last week. Apple announced new Intel-based Mac minis, an overpriced iPod sleeve, and a high quality speaker system. Oh, and guess what famous person now owns an iPod Nano. Here's a hint: it might have Mozart, Chopin and gregorian chants on it.

You can subscribe to the COTG podcast by using this feed. The music featured in this episode is called "Music for a Future City", by Camtarn. It is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license.