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Meeting Adjourned

In the Latest editon of The Last Mile, you'll find our reader submitted "Top 11 Ways to Shorten a Dull IT Staff Meeting." We couldn't cram them all into the page, so submitted for your approval (or revulsion) are all the entries from our rogue's gallery.

Jim MacLeod
Send an email on your Blackberry to page everyone in the room.

Lew Arnold

1. Put the bosses cell phone and Blackberry on an automated speed
dialer, with a fake sales call every thirty seconds.
2. Disable all of the electricity and electronics in the room. No lights,
no a/c and no Powerpoint.
3. Pay a female coworker to make a sultry and XXX embarrassing call to him and
make sure it is on the loud speaker.

John Grozik
Hang a 23 hour clock on the conference room wall. Or check Your
Meeting Coach at:

Dominic Vadakkan
Announce that you have been having gas problems since you eat that
bean burrito for breakfast.

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