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Ron In India, Days 2 & 3: Remote Infrastructure Management; Offshore Management Centers

Ron AndersonThe traffic is still unbelievable but I realized today as I examined the sheet metal around me that it was all intactno dents, dings not so much as a bumper out of place. There are rules, just not ones that I'm use to but they do appear to work. I have no idea what they areperhaps the constant honking is really a form of Morse Code.

I missed an entry yesterday. The jet lag and schedule finally caught up with me and I found it impossible to put a coherent sentence together (my editor's probably thinking how's that any different from every other day?). Anyway, I'll try to make up for it by summarizing my impressions of the remote infrastructure management arena in India.

First a report on my sight-of-the-day. As we were touring on the OMCs (Offshore Management Centers) not one, but two of the cubicles had a picture of the three main characters of the Harry Potter movies taped to the wall. The pictures looked like they were from the time of the first movie since the actors were so young. Bonus points to anyone who can name the three characters.

Over the past three days we've met with two large and one medium sized outsourcing firm, HCL on day one, Wipro on day two and Microland today. In addition to remote infrastructure management all of these firms also offer professional services to the IT community and Wipro and HCL also build and brand their own PC and server hardware for sale mostly in the Indian market as well as offer application development services either as an outsourced solution or via staff augmentation.

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