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Friday Freebies

Today's Friday Freebies are kind of fun. Both offer the ability to send yourself an e-mail in the future for whatever reason you'd like.
Want to remind yourself in 2020 what your goals were this year? Send yourself an e-mail to your "future you" today and these organizations will hold your e-mail until the date you specify and then send it out to you.
Sound freaky? Could be, especially if you forget that you did it!

The first one is from The cool thing about is that you can mark the e-mail as public and other people can see what you're sending to yourself in the future - without your name and e-mail addy, of course. It's amusing to see what people are planning on sending to themselves - everything from high school kids reminding themselves to study hard and pass all their exams to adults exposing their goals for themselves. Even if you don't want to send yourself an e-mail in the future it's an interesting read.

The second organization plugging this service is, believe it or not, Yes, Forbes has entered into an agreement with Yahoo and a couple of other internet savvy organizations to provide the same service, but it's done so as a kind of technological survival experiment and the description of how it's planned for loss of services and built redundancy into the system is an interesting read.
So get on out there and send your future self an e-mail.