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Oracle Spaces Out

9:25 AM - Forget golf junkets. Oracle Corp. (Nasdaq: ORCL) is sending Brian Emmett, a senior software developer at Stryker into suborbital space:

    As the grand prize winner of the Oracle Space Sweepstakes, Emmett, 30, of Mountain View, Calif., received a reservation for a commercial flight to suborbital space... Emmett was randomly selected from a pool of qualified entries as the winner of the suborbital space flight.

Emmett won the $102,000 trip with Space Adventures Ltd. by singing for his suborbital supper:

    For entry into the sweepstakes, Emmett demonstrated thorough knowledge of Oracle(r) developer tools by completing a series of tutorials and quizzes focused on Oracle's latest Java and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) development technologies.

Kick yourself if you passed on this one. Check it out:

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