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Friday Freebie

Today's Friday Freebie comes from McGrath Info Solution (M.I.S.).
For some background, MIS announced a file standard (MIS) to make it easy for consumers to have information about their multimedia files and for other types of files/information. The specification supports more than 187 tags including notes, multiple chapters, slideshows, subtexts, questions, and website links.
The freebie for today (you knew it was in here somewhere) is "IMDB 2 MIS" (available in English). It takes the free files from the Internet Movie Database (IMDB.COM), allowing the user to create ".MIS" files. By simply pointing to the users folders of recorded movies, the application will search the generated database and build a ".MIS".
It's a helpful organizational tool, and the .MIS files can be easily edited/read with a simple text editor, so if you're a code monkey you can integrate the data into your own system or whatever else your coding heart desires.