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The Privacy Series Pauses

Our unplanned series of podcasts on identity theft and personal information safety wraps up this week. This has been a fascinating topic for me to explore, and I hope that you've gotten some useful information, but we're going to be looking at some other topics for the next few weeks. We wrap up with a good interview, though, with Mike Gibbons, who's vice president and general manager of Federal Security Solutions at Unisys. Mike had a long career at the FBI, and five years with one of the Big Five consulting companies heading up their security practice, so he's been chasing bad guys for a long time. His views on how companies should work with law enforcement, and what the future might hold for personal-information protection are interesting, and can be heard here, in this week's podcast.

If you you haven't already subscribed to the podcast, look over to the left, you'll find the link to subscribe to the Security Channel podcast. In addition, I'd like to ask a favor. Take a minute to drop me a note at [email protected], and let me know what you'd like to hear in future podcasts. A podcast can be short or long, serious or amusing, hands-on or quite strategic. Let me know what you'd like to listen to, and we'll do our best to make it happen.