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Taking Wrong Turns On The Security Front

In my newsletter note this week I alluded to the fact that I had had a very tough week personally--all those adages about when it rains, it pours and the belief by some that God only burdens you with as much as you can handle succinctly fit my various crisis these past seven days.
I also mentioned that while my world will calm down I don't foresee the same for Cisco and its security woes.

The mention of the vendor's recent actions regarding a security researcher going public on a product vulnerability, and then the hacking community's intent to cause some other security troubles drew some very interesting and on-target reader mail.

One note, from a former IT professional who managed a series of mainframes for a Fortune 500 company, really hit the mark in summing up the Cisco situation. And since I couldn't have expressed it any better myself, I wanted to share it with you:

Dear Judy,

As a former IT professional, one of my duties was to verify security, apply vulnerability solutions, patches, run audits, and make recommendations.

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