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Connection Managers

Connection managers are the software utilities that allow users to control their wireless network connections, used with cellular-data networks, WLANs and Wi-Fi hotspots. These managers may also configure items such as protocol stacks, COM ports as well as Bluetooth and IR configurations. They are supplied by multiple entities, including wireless operators, modem vendors, computer operating system vendors, computer hardware platform vendors, roaming enablers and wireless middleware providers. Their existence can simplify the user experience considerably, but they can also affect interoperability and cause complications, such as when a user wishes to have access to multiple networks and needs more than one manager. I mention this because I chair the Standards and Architecture Committee of the Portable Computer and Communications Association (PCCA). Our next meeting, May 12, in Seattle, will specifically address Connection Managers, as well as wireless network management interfaces. If this topic is relevant to your work, I encourage you to come to this meeting. Details are available at