Even though the company name sounds more like a college class than a networking hardware vendor, Network Physics is indeed the latter, selling the NP-2000 appliance, one of several entrants in the growing field of network traffic diagnostics.
According to the company, its "ground-breaking physics research" is both the basis for its name, as well as its product's ability to detect and diagnose IP network traffic flow patterns in real time without adding to bandwidth constraints. Networking Pipeline recently talked with David Jones, Network Physics' CEO and president, about the metrics measurement market, and where Network Physics fits.
Networking Pipeline: How do network managers compute the return on investment from something like the NP-2000? Is it just from being able to replace hardware, like network probes?
David Jones: There is very definitely a strong ROI in the reduction in probes. But generally, the capital equipment cost in a network is trivial. It's about 20 percent of your budget, versus 80 percent of operating costs. On the operating costs our product offers a very definite strong return.
It's really more about control: How do place a dollar value on the resolution of an issue that's affecting your entire supply chain? What is the difference between resolving that in an hour, a day, or a week? When you have a business-critical network, it can't be down. If you have a problem, you have to be able to put your finger on it.