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VoICE over Wi-Fi: Too Green for the Enterprise: Page 6 of 14

The official spin is that WMM is sufficient for the relatively low data rates required by VoIP, with full 802.11e only necessary for fast "consumer" applications such as video streaming. However, this coincides suspiciously with the capabilities of existing wireless products. While most APs made in 2004 can support WMM either natively or through a firmware upgrade, they're not necessarily upgradeable to full 802.11e.


Most cell phone users don't need to think about which base station tower they're connected to. They expect to be able to move around and hand their conversations off from one antenna to another without any noticeable delay.

The same isn't true in Wi-Fi networks. In a traditional 802.11 system, changing APs can mean reauthenticating and obtaining a new DHCP address, a process that breaks Transport-layer connections and can require user intervention. The problem is exacerbated by Wi-Fi's short range. A person walking through a building may have to change APs every few seconds, whereas cell phone users can stay connected to the same radio tower for several minutes, even while traveling at highway speeds.

One solution is to use Wi-Fi switches to centralize control of APs. Invented by Symbol Technologies and improved by start-ups such as Trapeze Networks, Chantry Networks, and Airespace, Wi-Fi switches allow APs to be treated as little more than antennas. This is similar to the internal architecture of a cell phone network, which places relatively little processing functionality at each tower. It doesn't matter which particular AP users are connected through, as authentication and presence information is held at a switch further inside the network, not the AP.