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Standards. Acquisitions. Lunacy.: Page 2 of 2

And I won't even remind Cape Clear (and others) that BPM provider Computer Associates presents its business rules solely as Web Services (the hallmark of a good SOA citizen) and Oracle's BPM solution is completely open standards based and also bares its wares through Web Services, not to mention the ability of nearly every BPM vendor in the market to consume Web services as part of its orchestration process.

Now what part of that isn't SOA or standards-based? Wait, let me guess. We're going to quibble over the use of the term "founded". Look, BPM is just as standards based as, say, an ESB. Same concept, higher layer in the stack. Same standards. And the foundations of ESBs were laid down by EAI and message-oriented middleware like MQ Series and TIBCO RV. Proprietary, non-standard integration and messaging technologies. If BPM is proprietary, then by that definition, so are ESBs.