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Server Blades: What You Need To Know: Page 2 of 3

Blade Servers Cut Costs
Blade servers promise to reduce costs through centralized management and flexible resource allocation, but just as important, they also reduce the barrier to upgrades.

Engarde! Blade Servers Are Coming!

All the movement in the market could be important for you, depending on the situation in your particular data center. Are you ripe for a blade server installation?

IBM To Offer Unique Switching Capability In Blades
Big Blue offers a fully integrated Brocade Fibre Channel switching capability in a blade configuration.

Are Blades In Your Future?
Server blades promise to provide much more computing power per cubic foot than is possible with standard rack-mount servers, or standalone box servers. Are they a fit for your business?

IT Challenge: Server Blades
A financial services firm discovers deploying blade technology isn't as simple as it sounds. Here's how it overcame the challenges.