Sindhu: This question doesn't arise with TDM equipment; TDM equipment, in terms of QoS, is the perfect thing. A bit gets from here to there without jitter, or very little jitter.
Advanced IP Pipeline: Making it happen the hard part. When does the Infranet...
Sindhu: I was about to explain where we are. Between that [February] meeting and now, we have had one-on-one meetings with a lot of people. Mostly carriers, mostly customers. By now, there are about two dozen people who have expressed reasonably strong desire to participate. On June 21, we're having the first formal meeting of the Infranet Council [at Supercomm in Chicago].
At Cannes, people at the meeting felt it was important to come up with a reference model, outlining the scope of the work, etc. Let's get that defined. We now have that kind of defined, and one of the objectives of the meeting [next week] is to get a consensus on that. To make sure we have the right working model and architecture.
There is work going on which is similar, with some overlap, in various bodies, like the ITU, and the IETF. We do not want to ignore this work. At the same time, we believe that no one has the focus we have. If the problem was solved, we would not need to do anything. We want to build bridges to the appropriate organizations, to make sure that on both sides people are aware we're doing this work, and to the extent we can leverage work that's already done, we'd be happy to do that.