For the networking industry, the past few years have been marked by rapid change and upheaval. This year was no different as networking continued to quickly evolve as SDN and open networking gained steam.
While still an emerging technology, software-defined networking began to move past the experimental stage in 2015. According to market research firm IHS, SDN deployments grew beyond pilot projects this year as enterprises became comfortable with the technology. IHS expects the market for in-use SDN Ethernet switches and controllers will top $1.4 billion this year.
Demand for bare-metal switches -- switches without a network operating system loaded on them -- helped to drive SDN growth, according to IHS.
Certainly there was a lot of activity this year on the open networking front, including HP releasing a white-box switch and an open source network operating system, Juniper releasing a disaggregated version of its Junos software, and Facebook developing a 100 Gigabit Ethernet version of its Wedge top-of-rack data center switch.
On the SDN front, Cisco and VMware ramped up their sparring match over their ACI and NSX platforms, while software-defined WAN continued to garner lots of attention.
2015 saw plenty of other big changes in the networking industry, including longtime Cisco CEO John Chambers stepping down, HP's acqusition of WLAN vendor Aruba, and the depletion of ARIN's IPv4 supply. Let's take a walk down memory lane as we look back on the past year in networking.