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How-To: Teach Linux To Do Windows, Part 1: Page 13 of 32

Microsoft Windows 98 SE Second Edition Operating System (Retail CD & Keycode): $56.70 at ComputerSystems2Go.

Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition Compaq OEM CD: $42.88 here.

I've never done business with any of the above vendors personally, so check them out the same way you check out any other online vendor before buying. Also, other keywords might turn up better prices.

Choosing a Linux Distribution

For this Recipe, I used Red Hat Fedora Core 2, which can be considered Red Hat 11. I picked it for three reasons: I had video problems with Red Hat 9 (couldn't get past 800x600); I knew that USB support is improving rapidly in the Linux environment; and I wanted my scanner and printer supported. So I actually looked for something with a more recent version of the Linux kernel, which will be properly supported in Win4Lin shortly after this article appears.