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Friday Freebies

Today's first Friday Freebie is a website.
LinuxQuestions offers LQ ISO for all your Linux ISO download needs. LQ ISO allows users to find and rate fast local download mirrors. The site currently allows you to download almost 120 different Linux distributions from over 430 different mirrors. The site now utilizes GEO IP data to help you find the fastest local download mirror.
That's cool, because sometimes finding a mirror, let alone a fast mirror can be a PITA. Thanks, LQ ISO.
The second Friday Freebie is from SolarWinds. It's a TFTP server with security, which is something you don't often find for Windows. SolarWinds TFTP Server runs on Windows and can provide simultaenous download/upload of files. I use it often in the lab for storing and retrieving configurations from our routers and devices under test, like load balancers and other network devices. It works great and, of course, it's FREE.