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Friday Freebies

A couple of interesting freebies for this Friday for you.
The first is eSigma web services testing. There's quite a few 'free' web services testing sites on the web, but after trying out eSigma I have to say I like this one quite a bit. They're promoting, of course, their own hosting and registry services, but the free web service testing is pretty cool and lets you see the request and response in unadulterated, raw XML.
Another freebie for you is from Adeptia. Adeptia BPM Server v4.2 (in beta right now) is available for ... free (as in gratis). What a deal if you're looking to start playing around with BPM suites. We've got an upcoming review of these suites but believe me, none of them are even close to being free, though you can also download and play with Oracle's BPEL Process Manager for a while before laying out the cash.