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Follow up: Siebel and Oracle

So I knew Oracle wasn't going to "kill" Sieble On Demand as's Marc Benioff remarked to his organization, but it's always nice to have a bit of confirmation.
Bruce Cleveland, Senior VP of Products at Siebel, sent out a rather interesting note yesterday regarding the comments Marc sent out on Monday. In it, among other things, was a quote from Oracle head honcho Larry Ellison, taken during a press conference regarding the acquisition.
"Regarding Marc????????s remarks that Oracle will ???????kill?????? Siebel CRM OnDemand... Here is what I heard Larry Ellison say word-for-word,
???????We think OnDemand is going to be increasingly important. We think the Siebel OnDemand products have -- are improving at a very, very rapid rate and we intend to invest in them heavily. In fact, we expect that all of the Siebel product features and functions that they have in the software products will migrate to the OnDemand products. So we think that is again a very important asset that we want to preserve and invest in as the acquisition is concluded."

Well. There it is then. Now if I could just predict the winning lottery numbers...