3. Dropbox isn't just for storage; it's also a collaboration platform.
Though individual users often rely on Dropbox for simple, on-the-go access to files, the cloud can be much more than an online storage locker. Dropbox for Business also features shared folders, which enable IT admins to give a team of collaborators shared access to important files, even if those collaborators are scattered around the world. Given that documents can be synched back to the cloud as soon as they are modified, the folders facilitate pseudo-continuous interactions.
At the same time, Dropbox allows users to easily roll back to an earlier version of a file, virtually eliminating the chance that an important document will be accidently deleted or inadvertently overwritten. Dropbox also includes a few features to help get the collaborative process rolling, such as online document previews that are accessible immediately after a user logs in, before files have to be downloaded to a local device.
4. Dropbox is flexible.
In today's bring-your-own-device (BYOD) landscape, many IT departments need to enable document access for a variety of devices and operating systems. Dropbox is well-equipped for such challenges, as it offers apps for Linux, OS X, Windows, Android, iOS and BlackBerry.
Dropbox for Business can also be set up to provide cost flexibility. A handful of paid accounts might be responsible for maintaining shared folders, for example, but collaborators with free accounts can still be given access to these folders and their contents. As a result, businesses can spread Dropbox's full benefits throughout the workplace without paying for each and every user's access.
5. Dropbox will be a better deal for some than others.
Dropbox for Business is priced at $795 annually for up to five users, plus an additional $125 per year for each additional user. For this price, customers receive all the storage space they need, and have the ability to synch, transfer and store particularly large files. This pricing structure has been praised by some but, depending on one's needs, competitors such as Box, Google Drive or Microsoft's SkyDrive might offer a better deal. Google Drive, for instance, offers not only prices that are generally cheaper, but also a variety of plans.
To deliver meaningful customer satisfaction in today's competitive landscape, an organization's customer service plan needs to go further than just a ticketing system. Join E2 for the Putting The Customer First: Empowering Customer Service Teams With Collaboration webcast on April 10 to learn about the latest emerging trends in customer service innovation. (Free registration required.)