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Storage Security... Looking for input

We're starting up a new review, one that's going to be just a little bit different, we're going to compare the options that you have for securing your storage - not give them a head-to-head review, because there are many different types of security products out there, but give you an idea of what's available, how it works, and what the trade-offs of implementing each product are.

And we're interested in what you have to say. We're sending out a reader survey, as always, but if you're looking at the Storage Channel Blog that means storage interests you, so I'm interested in hearing your concerns about security too. Particularly if you have experienced some of the painful issues that implementing storage security can bring up, drop me a line.

Fill out the form below if you're a reader (not a vendor), and are interested in lending a hand.


Your Name:

Your Email:

Also, let me know if you'd like to work with me directly in building out this review. I promise not to innundate you with email, but I'd like very much to chat electronically with a few like-minded storage pros to exchange ideas.

Sure, I'll email with you.