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Startup Boots Bigger Backup Boxes: Page 2 of 3

Doan says the RocketVault is faster and more reliable than tape. He claims its proprietary software gives it better offsite replication capability than StorServer Inc.'s appliances, and that Storage Technology Corp. (StorageTek)'s (NYSE: STK) backup appliances are aimed at higher-end customers.

"The difference between us and StorageTek is this is an IP device," he says. "We're not replicated through the SAN."

Mike Karp, senior analyst at Enterprise Management Associates, says RocketVault's strength is its ease of use. IntraDyn claims RocketVault runs automatically after the customer plugs it in and does a one-time test. Karp said RocketVault will bring advanced data protection capabilities to medium-sized businesses.

"I like it because it's simple," says Karp. "The idea of bringing advanced capabilities to the masses at an affordable price appeals to me. They may have stolen the march on a lot of competitors."

RocketVault appears on the network as a Windows file-sharing computer. Its RocketControl software allows management through a Web browser, while RocketArchive Engine handles load balancing and archiving.