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Microsoft Bests Google At Book Scanning

Microsoft is going to launch a book-scanning project of its own -- and unlike Google, it's doing the right thing. It will only scan and make available books in the public domain, and will work with Yahoo and an industry group on the project.
Microsoft will work with the Open Content Alliance to make available 150,000 pieces of published material. A beta of the book-search site will be available some time next year.

Yahoo has also announced plans to work with the Open Content Alliance, and will have a book-scanning project of its own.

Microsoft, though, is going beyond just the Open Content Alliance. It's also negotiating with publishers to make available copyrighted books as well.

Google, in the meantime, is embroiled in suits against its book-scanning project from publishers and authors.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again -- it's time for Google to stop its project, and work with authors and publishers, not against them. Yahoo is doing that. Now Microsoft is doing it. Google should do it as well.