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Market Saturation and you.: Page 2 of 2

So now on the high end of storage we're going to see some interesting gyrations in the next year or two. Mergers, more "SMB" offerings, diversification, you name it. Because on the high-end they're fighting for the marginal edge of customers, those willing to move vendors and those who only want/need a smaller SAN, but want one of the "big three" of Storage.

It should be interesting to watch. Nearly as interesting as watching who comes out on top at the SMB/SME end. My guess is that it won't just be "the same old companies" we're used to in storage.
What should you, as a consumer of storage products do? What you always have. Mid-tier storage solutions are not generally high-maintenance. You put them in and they "just work" 99.9 percent of the time. So even if your vendor gets merged, do you care? I wouldn't.