IT folks charged with making sure their organizations comply with new regulations about corporate data often feel in need of an institution. For now, they'll have to settle for an institute.
IT Compliance Institute (ITCi), an online information service, was launched this week to provide education, research, conferences, analysis, and other resources to help IT personnel deal with the plethora of federal and global regulations popping up all over -- for a fee, that is.
The ITCis director of education and research, Adrian Bowles, says he got the idea after fielding frequent questions from IT people looking to get hip to HIPAA (the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) or a lock on "Sox" (the Sarbanes-Oxley Act).
There are a lot of questions Ive been receiving over the last couple of years as an industry analyst, says Bowles, a research fellow at the Robert Frances Group, an IT consultancy. People wanted to know what were the new regulations, which regulations impact them, what are the best practices. It all came down to How do I prepare a defensible compliance strategy?' "
The IT Compliance Institute will be based on the same model as the The Data Warehousing Institute -- both are run by publisher 101communications. The institute will include a paid membership that offers subscribers access to a searchable database of state, federal, and global regulations that impact IT. While the site is operating, the full database is scheduled to go online next month. Members will also have access to online forums, research and best practices, electronic alerts to information on new and emerging regulations, and discounts for IT Compliance conferences.