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Google's Plan To Take Over Your Living Room

Conquering the Internet isn't enough for Google -- there's now evidence that it plans to conquer your home as well, with a Google-provided black box bristling with wired and wireless connections for your PC, TV, stereo, iPod, home automation, climate control, and just about any other device you can imagine.
This rumor comes via an i, Cringley column. The colummn claims Google has been working on a small box filled with just about any port you can name, including USB, RJ-45, RJ-11, analog and digital video, S-video, analog and optical sound, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

You'd have multiple boxes in your house; one for each device you want to connect. The boxes would form your own household mesh network.

Your own little mesh network would connect to the giant private Internet that Google is essentially building, so Google would also be the main way you'd connect to the Internet and the world.

What does all this mean? That Google could provide just about any service you can imagine --- Internet, VoIP, TV and video, free and for-pay music, home automation...the sky's the limit.

So if you've been thinking that Google is just a search site, it's time to update your thinking. It has it sights on a far bigger target than the Internet.