The Hibernia Atlantic system is a four-fiber-pair Sonet/SDH ring using DWDM to provide a total available system capacity of 1.92 Tbit/s, with around 150 Gbit/s of bandwidth lit. It lands on the North American side in Boston and Halifax, Nova Scotia; on the European side its drops are in Dublin and Southport, U.K.
This week, the companies staged a demo of a 60-GByte Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT) Exchange email server, with 2,000 open email user mailboxes, being mirrored between data centers in Dublin and Lynn, Mass., over a 622-Mbit/s link on the Hibernia Atlantic system. They then simulated a complete server and disk outage in Dublin, and claim they were able to recover the Exchange server in just 11 seconds.
"That's not acceptable for financial-trading applications, but it's fine for most everything else," says Ed Walsh, VP of marketing and business development at CNT.
The demo used CNT's UltraNet storage router running Fibre Channel over Sonet, connected to an EMC Corp. (NYSE: EMC) Symmetrix DMX800. The data was mirrored using EMC's Symmetrix Replication Data Facility (SRDF), a disk-to-disk replication technology.
Todd Spangler, US Editor, Byte and Switch