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BD Event vs. SNW: Page 2 of 3

Nexenta showed how they have taken ZFS and packaged it up into a very viable and user friendly NAS filesystem that any supplier who is looking to improve their NAS offering (more than a few of those) would have benefited by seeing their presentation.NetEX's HyperIP product can dramatically improve storage transfer and recovery times across WAN segments, which should appeal to cloud storage suppliers, storage replicators and data center migration specialists.Cofio and Digitiliti have products with different approaches that can provide a complete end-to-end data management solution for unstructured data that includes blocking, encryption, replication, protection, indexing. etc.These are just a few examples and I apologize to the guys I missed, but I'll try to touch on some of the key trends in the next few blogs. All three days were full of viable partnering opportunities that the big guys missed. I expect to see them at the next one. What if you're a user? Why does an event like this matter to you? First, for guys like Howard and I, it enables us to provide better information to you about these companies. For the larger suppliers that were there, it enables partnering that might help them help you better solve your challenges. And finally, for these emerging companies, it helps to get the word out quickly and inexpensively.