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Adaptec's ISA1500 Storage Array Stumbles, But Delivers: Page 3 of 5

Logging Overload

The ASM provides centralized logging and control for both the iSA1500 and the iSCSI-attached servers. I was surprised that ASM captured not just storage-related events but the entire Windows event log from my servers, which needlessly complicates monitoring. This made at-a-glance error reporting nearly impossible, though clicking on specific events revealed more useful information. These limitations were not corrected in the software shipping with the iSA1500.

You can configure the ASM to send alerts of specific problems and their severity via SNMP or e-mail.

Despite the beta bugs I encountered, ASM's automation tools are the saving grace of Adaptec's iSA1500 platform. They save you the trouble of performing time-consuming behind-the-scenes configuration tasks, including setting iSCSI permissions on the Windows server and iSA1500 array, formatting the volume, assigning it a drive letter and making it available in Windows.

Adaptec's point-in-time snapshot and rollback feature provide a simple way to create online backups that can be mounted on a remote file server and backed up to nearline storage or tape.