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HP Offers Virtualization Tool For Agile App Development: Page 2 of 2

HP cites IDC research that as soon as 2012, 85% of net-new applications will be designed for delivery from the cloud. That means cloud-based apps have to be developed to run as well as traditional on-premise apps, says Iyer.

"We’re helping organizations migrate ... traditional on-premise applications to the cloud, and when you do that, you [need to] ensure that the applications are going to continue to behave in an expected manner,” he says.

The company also demonstrated the HP Application Portfolio Management (APM) tool released earlier this year that helps enterprises keep track of the many applications in their IT environment.

"Enterprises build more apps than they are retiring," says John Jeremiah, HP product director. He adds that the APM tool maintains an inventory of apps and monitors what business units within the company still use them. Applications can be retired if they are little used or if another application can perform the functions better than an outdated one.

Jeremiah likens the task to cleaning your cluttered garage by throwing stuff out, holding a yard sale and keeping what you still use. APM was originally offered just as a software-as-a-service (SaaS) option but is now also incorporated into the ALM suite.

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