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AMD Survey Shows Cloud Computing 'Maturing Rapidly': Page 2 of 2

Another sign of the maturity of cloud adoption is that 63% of companies adopting cloud computing put data worth $250,000 or more in cloud environments, a sign of confidence in the security of cloud environments.

Also interesting is the fact that 75% of respondents using cloud computing say that they have the IT expertise in-house to do cloud computing, and they tend to be at smaller companies rather than large ones, says Lewis.

"In a larger IT organization, you have a lot of status quo already. You have your infrastructure in place, and you have a lot of people trained on that infrastructure. And to make a change is a serious consideration," she says. "Smaller organizations have some of the agility and flexibility that larger companies don’t have, and are maybe more willing to look at alternative capabilities."

Lastly, the survey illustrates that the wisdom of adopting cloud computing depends on the workload. Respondents say the workloads best suited to cloud computing are email (37%), finance/accounting (35%) and web serving (31%). Those workloads least suited to cloud were back office functions (25%), production and manufacturing (23%) and enterprise resource planning (19%).

See more on this topic by subscribing to Network Computing Pro Reports Research: 2011 State of Cloud (subscription required).