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Thinking About the Worst

Boy, let an unplanned series come to an end and things just go haywire. After a most interesting September we're back with another Security Channel podcast, this time on disaster preparations and business continuity. It seems to me that the most significant (and, by far, the most common) failure in responding to disasters is the basic failure of imagination; we just can't allow ourselves to imagine that the very worst could happen to our businesses and our families. This in spite of ample evidence that the very worst can, and will, happen to at least some of us in any given year. It's tough to think about, and can seem a true pain to actually plan for, but making preparations for the worst-case scenario can be a literal life-saver when that most horrible of times does come. You can listen to the podcast here. After you do, let me know what your worst-case preparations are like; if I can get enough, we'll do a series of podcasts on what responsible companies and individuals are doing to make sure that their lives and work continue when things get bad.

If you you haven't already subscribed to the podcast, look over to the left, you'll find the link to subscribe to the Security Channel podcast. In addition, I'd like to ask a favor. Take a minute to drop me a note at [email protected], and let me know what you'd like to hear in future podcasts. A podcast can be short or long, serious or amusing, hands-on or quite strategic. Let me know what you'd like to listen to, and we'll do our best to make it happen.