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Still Swimming

1:15 PM -- The multiple disasters in and around New Orleans are just too much for some vendors to resist, as today's news from VeriCenter Inc. shows. Instead of a donation or free IT help, this service provider offers useful information. Here's what it says:

    VeriCenter, Inc., a leading enterprise managed IT service provider, today announced that companies in the path of Hurricane Katrina have turned to VeriCenter to ensure business continuity despite the widespread power outages now hitting the Deep South and Southeastern U.S.

Thank heavens for that! So which hospitals, relief agencies, or even government offices laid claim to VeriCenter's assistance? None, apparently:

    New Orleans-based SCP Pool Corporation, the world's largest wholesale supplier of swimming pool supplies and related equipment, leveraged VeriCenter to keep its IT systems running in the face of this disaster.

Wow. Think of the unchlorinated pools that could've resulted from this outage! For a minute there, we thought someone had set aside their avaricious tendencies for the greater good.

But listen to Tim Babco, CIO of SCP: "It may prove to be the best thing I ever did in directing our IT operations to VeriCenter's Dallas data center... If we hadn't, we wouldn't be operating this week."

Now there's a sobering thought.

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