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Steve Ballmer--The Music Man: Page 2 of 13

1) "I'm Too Sexy" (Right Said Fred--on continuous loop, of course)

Special thanks to Terry Allred, Steven Barger, Steve Bruhn, Fred Ensminger, Afolabi Fakayode, Erich Huemoeller, Joseph T. Jackson, Mark Jass, Dwayne McGarty and David Mohrman. See the complete playlist of pirated tunes.

You've heard all those great code names for military missions--Enduring Freedom, Operation Desert Storm, Golden Pheasant. Now you can use our interactive Code Name Generator to create cool military handles for your own IT operations. Why settle for a boring name like Verity Upgrade when you could impress your co-workers with a name like Infinite Justice? Check out the Code Name Generator to see what name it would assign to your herculean project.

What do you get when you combine a PNY Attache 64-MB USB drive, a Star Wars Storm Trooper Pez dispenser and a geek? If you answered, "Someone without a date on a Friday night," you're only partially right.

Add a razor, a Dremel power tool and some silicone caulking, and you've got something to build on a Friday night, like the "Stormtrooper 64MB."