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Return of the Dawn of the Day of the Living IT Haiku

It's been a while since we posted a reader's IT Haiku. In case you're new to this, we asked our lovely audience a while back to submit Haikus -- small poems of Japanese origin that consist of a pattern of approximately 5, 7, and 5 syllables. Of course our twist was the Haikus needed an IT spin. Though the contest ended, we still continued to get submissions, so we decided to post the funnier ones every so often.

A few folks sent in some amusing little narratives, but forgot the 5-7-5 rule -- so unfortunately they were disqualified. Ryan Russell remembered it however, and sent in this little ditty:

Users Call for help
Desperately I ask Them
Is the Caps-Lock on?

Nice one Ryan. Today you have earned our respect. Tomorrow? Eh, maybe not so much. We'll talk. We'll see.

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