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Reboot the Data Center: Page 2 of 3

You finally figure out the username and password, because in the lab you always try to make things easy to figure out, and then spend another 30 minutes making sure systems come up correctly; starting those pesky Exchange services that never seem to start correctly even though they're marked as "Automatic" and then wonder why your laptop can't get an IP addy from the DHCP server.

(It helps to turn it back on after you've accidentally shut it down)

Apparently the entire comm rack containing the GB lab equipment is also on that same UPS. So it powered off. 45 minutes later NWC Inc is up and running, but the UPS is still screaming every 5 seconds. All you managed to do was give yourself a heart attack by simultaneously powering down every piece of equipment in NWC Inc's four APC racks.

You finally call the Server and Storage editor and he tells you what to do. Only when you pull out battery R3 and push it back in and you hear a loud popping sound followed by the acrid smell of electronics burning.

Oh crap.