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No List of Demands

5:55 PM -- ORLANDO -- Maybe we expected too much -- the burning of a manifesto or a short list of demands in a tense standoff. But it was end users talking about storage management when the Storage Networking Industry Association's End User Council (EUC) previewed the results of its annual survey of 250 storage customers Tuesday.

Their biggest concern? Reliability.

Not the stuff of screaming headlines, not the kind of thing that will turn vendors' heads -- or prompt many to take much of a second look.

In fairness, the EUC briefing was simply to preview results that will be released in full the second week of November. And we're keenly aware that many think that journalists too often look for drama and invent it where it doesn't exist.

So we'll consider the full report next month in the context its authors intended -- a barometric reading, and not a hostage-taking.

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