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Legato Mines Iron Mountain: Page 2 of 3

Legato EmailXtender -- which it obtained with its acquisition of OTG Software last year -- works with Lotus Notes, Microsoft Exchange, Unix Sendmail, and Bloomberg Mail to transparently archive old messages and reduce the disk space required by storing just one copy of attachments sent to multiple recipients. It also allows users to perform a full-index search of messages and attachments across the entire message store (see Legato Ropes In OTG).

Dave Hill, VP of storage research at Aberdeen Group Inc., says it's critical to have that archival process automated.

"You have the issue of, 'When I should throw stuff away and when I don't throw that stuff away,' " he says. "It becomes very difficult for organizations to manage this whole process without forcing the user to decide what they want to keep or delete."

Meanwhile, on another front, Iron Mountain last month announced that it will offer instant message archiving services, partnering with IM providers Akonix Systems Inc., Communicator Inc., FaceTime Communications Inc., and IMlogic Inc. (see Iron Mountain Archives IM).

Others aggressively targeting the email archiving market include EMC Corp. (NYSE: EMC) with its Centera disk-based archive system and Network Appliance Inc. (Nasdaq: NTAP) with its NearStore system. Legato's EmailXtender is also integrated into Centera (see Legato Supports EMC Centera and NetApp Adds WORM to NearStore).